Collective of Collaboration
Coaching for Institutions assesses your needs and connects you to the most appropriate resource.
With expert guidance in a wide range of settings, our team of physicians trained as coaches will work with you every step of the way.

Director, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Neuromusculoskeletal & Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine
Location: Traverse City, MI
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School
Coaching Organizations: Academic Coaching Collective; This Osteopathic Life; Chair of Coaching for AMWA IGNITE
Programs: 12-Week Coaching & CME
Interest & Experience: I have clinical experience in solo private practice, group and large health care systems including time as residency program director, all dedicated to nurturing health and empowering patients to realize their amazing inherent capacity. I see coaching as an expansion of the osteopathic concept beyond the clinical setting, serving as guiding principles for a cultural revolution grounded in love and humanity. It is an honor to serve as a leader of coaches and a coach of leaders, specializing in design and facilitation of coaching programs for physicians, helping them unleash their inner potential to develop immunity to burnout and find success in any situation.
Website: www.thisosteopathiclife.com
E-mail: thisosteopathiclife@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Family Medicine
Location: Anchorage, AK
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School, ICF Cre
Coaching Organizations: Academic Coaching Collective; Joy in Family Medicine
Programs: 6 Week Family Medicine Resident 1:1 Coaching, 6 Session Resident Group Coaching;
6 Session Faculty Group Coaching with CME; 1:1 Private Packages and Group Coaching Continuity Programs
Interest & Experience: I’ve been a family medicine physician with over 20 years of experience, 12 of those involving academic medicine at the resident level. I am a certified culinary coach and a certified professional coach. I offer coaching to family medicine residents and their faculty who want the tools to thrive, clarity of direction, relief from burnout and overwhelm, restoration of balance, or help with academic difficulty. In addition to her one-on-one coaching programs with individual residents and early career physicians, and group coaching for residents and faculty, Dr. Caylor's experience includes coaching AMWA-ignite medical students.
Website: www.joyinfamilymedicine.com
E-mail: joyinfamilymedicine@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Primary Care Internal Medicine, Telemedicine Eating Disorder care
Location: Atlanta, GA
Coaching Certification: Physician Coaching Academy
Coaching Organizations: CFI, Physician Coaching Alliance
Programs: Cure Your Inner Critic CME Course, CME-accredited individual and group coaching
Interest & Experience: I am a practicing primary care Internist and Certified Life Coach in Atlanta, GA. I rebuilt my life and career after burnout and now support physicians who want to love the life they worked so hard to create. I provide 1:1 and group coaching, lead retreats and speak on topics surrounding burnout, perfectionism, impostor syndrome, career transition, overworking, self-compassion, self-worth and physician wellness.
Website: www.karapeppermd.com
E-mail: kp@karapeppermd.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Neurology: Subspecialty in Epilepsy & Clinical Neurophysiology
Location: Chicago, IL
Coaching Certification: Organization and Leadership Coaching Certificate, Northwestern University. Life coach Certificate, The Life Coach School
Coaching Specialty: Academic
Coaching Organizations: Coaching for institutions (CFI), Harvard Institute of coaching (IOC), Physician Coaching Alliance (PCA)
Programs: 12 weeks program that integrate life coaching and leadership/executive coaching
Interest & Experience: Work life integration, burn out, leadership, creating psychological safety and intentional culture at work, relationships at home and work.
I am a mother, wife, practicing neurologist and a life coach. Up until recently, I was struggling with burn out and moral injury. I went straight from college (UCLA) to medical school (Northwestern University) then to neurology residency, and two fellowships after that (Northwestern University). I was always on the go, no time to stop. I was very successful on the surface, but I reached a point where I could not recognize me any more. I was burned out. I was not living my life, I was merely surviving. I approached life as obstacles to overcome and tasks to complete, rather than my ONE LIFE to live and enjoy. I was cynical, resentful, and, let us face it, angry most of the time. For a period of time, I accepted that this is the “normal” life of a working mother. Then I discovered coaching. Coaching has transformed every aspect of my life. Through coaching I re-learned a simple fact: MY thoughts create MY feelings! WHAT?! Seriously! Sounds so simple, but this realization was life changing. All of my feelings: frustration, cynicism, anger (the list goes on) were a result of MY thoughts. Through coaching I learned to manage my thoughts, be deliberate and choose thoughts that SERVE me. This is exactly the work I want to do with other physicians> I want to help doctors unpack their feelings and thoughts and leverage their brain to create THE EXACT LIFE they want.
Website: www.YaraDemoMD.com
E-mail: YaraDemoMD@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Location: Pittsburgh,PA
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School
Programs: Private, 1:1 coaching packages are available
Coaching Organization: Academic Coaching Collective, Physician Coach MD, Serving as coach for Empowering Women Physicians, AMWA Ignite, and several other organizations
Interest & Experience: I am a physician, an educator, and a program director. I am also a wife, mother, a daughter, an aunt, and a sister. I primarily coach women physicians who are balancing clinical and administrative work and personal life. I also coach trainees. I help both those that are in a period of struggling, and those that have big goals and ideas. I meet my clients where they are at as we move forward together.
Website: www.physiciancoachmd.com
E-mail: michele@physiciancoachmd.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Internal Medicine & Infectious Diseases, Locum
Location: Baltimore, MD
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School
Coaching Organizations: CFI, EWP
Programs: 12 weeks, 1:1, Life Coaching
Interest & Experience:
You don't have to know what you want coaching on; we can coach on anything.
"I'm starting to be nicer to myself rather than so hard on myself. Turns out, it's kinda nice to love on myself the way I love on others." That's what we create together.
I've been through burnout in full time medicine and a complete transition to Locums ID+Life Coaching+competitive tennis+property management+divorced and childfree by choice. I know infertility, wt loss and body fat % drop, ultimatums in marriage, IUI, IVF, pregnancy losses, D&Cs, embryo adoption, ongoing divorce, certification in coaching, entrepreneurship as a Life Coach, managing properties post divorce, becoming a published author, losing a close friend. Coaching made much of this easier than it could have been. Delightful side effect - relationships with relatives (especially Mom and Dad), friends, and romantic partners have become lighter, easier, more joyful while being able to deal with grief from recent losses in life. Fun fact: I've toured with Doctors Without Borders in Kenya, Cambodia and Uganda.
If you want to create peace and quiet in your head, strengthen your self trust and strengthen your unconditional self love so that you can navigate your life with ease, then let's go!
Website: https://www.lifecoachingwithdrahluwalia.com
E-mail: drmaneeshaahluwaia@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School
Organizations: UCLA
Interest & Experience: I have more than 20 years of experience in GME and medical education leadership, including extensive experience in mentoring learners and physicians at all levels. I use the skills and tools I've learned in The Life Coach School Certification Program to help physicians of all training and faculty academic levels to get the most out of their experience and live the life to their fullest.
E-mail: pamela.dyne@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Pediatrics, Lifestyle Medicine
Location: Chesapeake, VA
Coaching Certification: Health & Wellness Coach (Wellcoaches); Life & Weight Coach (The Life Coach School);
Neuro-linguistic Programming Coach (Symbiosis)
Coaching Organizations: Coaching for Institutions, Physician Coaching Alliance, Better Together, AWMA
Programs: 12 weeks individual coaching, 8 weeks group coaching for parents worried about their family's weight
Organizations: American Academy of Pediatrics - Virginia Chapter Obesity Champion and Co-Chair of Provider Wellness Committee; Uniformed Services East Chapter Member-at-Large
Academic Organizations: Eastern Virginia Medical School, Uniformed Services University
Interest & Experience: I didn't have the words for it at the time, but I experienced burnout repeatedly in my early-mid medical career. Coaching afforded me the tools to see what was really happening: I wasn't alone, I wasn't personally failing, and I get to create a life that is meaningful for me (the ultimate burnout prevention).
I am a practicing general pediatrician with over 20 years in diverse settings. I bring my experience having difficult conversations, supporting parents through developmental, emotional and behavioral challenges, transitioning (repeatedly!) as a military physician and family member, and using lifestyle as medicine to coaching. I have a special place in my heart to help parents frustrated with food fights, food rules and fears of obesity to address their own weight concerns and become the confident role model for healthier relationships in their family.
I help physicians design the life and career that is built around what is important to you, and become more you in the process. Lifestyle design, addressing burnout, time management, charting efficiency, communication, health goals, weight loss, relationships… bring it all!
Website: www.WendySchoferMD.com
E-mail: wendy@wendyschofermd.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Pediatrics
Location: Northern California
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School
Organizations: American Academy of Pediatrics - Chapter 1
Coaching Organization: Coach for Empowering Women Physicians
Interest & Experience:
I am a general pediatrician and medical director in a group private practice in Northern, CA. I initially came to coaching through a program for weight loss where I lost weight that I carried from middle school through thought work rather than focusing on diet and exercise. In the process, I discovered the power of life coaching to transform not just my external appearance but more importantly to find my authentic self and make a transformation from the inside out. At this same time, our office started changing our pediatric practice to become more trauma informed. Much like coaching, this involves focusing our care away from “what’s wrong with you” and “what happened to you” to “what’s right with you”. In turn, we are increasing resilience and healing from burnout from a place of wellness not only for our patients and their families but also for ourselves.
I love coaching all women physicians and physicians in training to help them uncover their authentic selves with an expertise in coaching first and second generation Americans who have goals that include self care to increase resilience, healing from burnout, leadership and transformational change in primary practice, intentional cross cultural trauma informed parenting, and weight loss
E-mail: miriam_rhew@yahoo.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Pediatrics, Physician Wellness
Location: San Francisco, CA
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School
Organizations: Physician Coaching Alliance, Mindful Healthcare Collective, San Francisco Marin Medical Society (Chair of Physician Wellness), California Medical Association (Former Chair of the Subcommittee on Physician Wellness)
Coaching Organization: Pause and Presence Coaching: Mindful coaching for physicians by a physician coach. Individual and group options available.
Coaching Programs: Mindful Medicine for Healers: Coaching program available to healthcare institutions that can include both individual and group coaching options for physicians. It is best offered as an integral component of a robust physician wellness program. CME can be arranged through your institution to off-set costs of individual physician coaching.
Comprehensive Coaching for Academic Fellowship Programs: Can be offered for either the full academic year or over a 3 month period. I am currently leading this program for the Stanford Anesthesia Fellowship for the 2020-21 academic year.
Short-term Group Coaching for Residency Programs (6-10 sessions). I currently lead this program for the ObGyn Residency at Dignity Health, Marion Regional Medical Center.
The Mindful Healers Program. A program that offers 2 evidence-based tools to improve physician health and wellness, as well as engagement and performance. The program includes Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction training, Mindful Coaching, and a CME-Accredited Mindful Physician Course. It is available to individual physicians as well as institutions to include as part of a comprehensive physician wellness program.
Interest & Experience:
I am a pediatrician with 17 years experience as a physician wellness leader at The Permanente Medical Group/ Kaiser Permanente. I have extensive experience as a wellness speaker, workshop facilitator, wellness strategist, and as a coach. I offer coaching and mindfulness for individual physicians, large health care institutions, and academic programs. I specialize in coaching for challenging relationships, parenting struggles, and career dissatisfaction and burnout. In addition to being a certified coach, I am one of the founding leaders of the Mindful Healthcare Collective and a yoga and mindfulness instructor. I have a passion for taking advantage of the synergy between mindfulness and coaching to improve physician health, engagement and performance. Mindfulness and coaching are both evidence-based tools to improve physician health and wellness. Together they have the power to transform the health and well-being of patients, physicians, and the entire healthcare system.
Website: www.jessiemahoneymd.com
E-mail: jessie@jessiemahoneymd.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Pathology: Subspecialty in Dermatopathology
Location: San Francisco, CA
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School
Coaching Specialty: Academic
Interest & Experience: I am a physician-scientist, proud mom, loving wife, fierce friend, salsa dancing Latina and a mindset life coach. After finishing my clinical training, I decided to do a combination of post-doc (80%) and clinical (20%). I was fortunate to find excellent mentors, but that did not alleviate the feeling of imposter syndrome I felt. Together with the birth of my daughter and no family close by, each day felt like an impossible challenge. It seemed like I was never enough at any one thing and stretched thin in all three areas of research, clinical and family. Not knowing any differently, I adapted to the situation as I always had. Serendipitously, I found coaching through a friend, and it opened my mind to how our thoughts ultimately create our results. Through daily thought work, I no longer saw life happening to me, but rather gained my power back to live intentionally. I started taking massive action towards helping to change the system and join a community of like-minded women physician-scientists with goals of creating more diversity, equity and inclusion. The consequences of the pandemic also amplified the struggles that my physician-scientist colleagues were experiencing. I knew I could help through coaching. Now I see how much coaching can benefit physicians at all levels of training, and I’m thrilled to be in a position to make a difference.
Instagram: @drurslang
E-mail: drurslang@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Surgery
Location: Chicago, IL
Coaching Certification: WellCoaches, Certified Health and Weight Loss Coach, The Life Coach School
Coaching Organizations: CFI, AMWA Evolve, AMWA Ignite
Programs: Individual and Group Coaching
Organization: Rush University Medical Center
Interest & Experience: I help people envision and achieve their best life based on their core values. I’m a surgeon who believes that we can be our best selves through coaching. I offer coaching to any one that desires coaching but my passion is medical students and residents. I coach on many topics but the ones that have hit closest to home for me are relationships, perfectionism and not having enough time!
E-mail: Ashah15@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Location: San Antonio, TX
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School
Programs: Individual 12-Week Coaching Program and Group Coaching packages are available
Interest & Experience: I am a Board-Certified Internal Medicine Physician with over 12 years of experience working at a major University clinic and outpatient community health care center. I understand how overwhelming it feels to meet the demands of clinical medicine while also trying to be the best partner/parent for your loved ones at home. Over time, the stress and daily grind takes a toll leaving many physicians disillusioned and exhausted. As a Physician Life Coach with Faith based values, I help you create a resilient mindset to better manage the stress of practicing medicine while also balancing your family life. My mission is to “Heal the Healers” and help my clients achieve their personal and professional goals. Physician coaching empowers you to create the clarity, peace and blueprint to thrive. As your coach, I work with you every step of the way as you achieve a healthier mindset to accomplish your goals and feel joy again! Let’s start today!
Website: https://www.renewyourmindmd.com
E-mail: renewyourmindmd@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Interest & Experience: While working toward my career in medicine, I grew a passion for self-discovery and personal growth-- a passion that turned into seven years of education and training in emotional intelligence, resilience training and character coaching. The gift of self-actualization felt too good to keep to myself and, after being introduced to life coaching, I found my calling. I am building a career in dermatology focused on understanding the psychosocial impact of skin diseases, especially those that disproportionately affect women of color, and further, creating evidence-based interventions to enhance psychosocial support for patients. When I’m not working with patients, I’m working with coachees helping them to become the best version of themselves, and navigate any obstacles that stand in the way of that goal. First-hand experience navigating the highs and lows of medical training moved me to coach with special attention to doctors and medical trainees. Through individual and group coaching, speaking engagements and media campaigns, I’m committed to combating physician burnout.
E-mail: lifecoachlexmd@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Pediatrics
Location: Falls Church, VA
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School
Organizations: Inova Children's Hospital; Pediatric Consultant for the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Serice; Vice Chair of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Section of Hospital Medicine, Provider Wellness Subcommittee; Chair of the Virginia American Academy of Pediatrics, Provider Wellness Committee.
Programs: Director of the Division of Organizational Coaching Programs for the Institute for Physician Wellness (IPW) and has co-developed Vital Alliance™.
E-mail: riva.kamat@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Family Medicine
Location: Southern NH
Coaching Certification: Certified Life and Weight Coach,The Life Coach School
Coaching Organizations: CFI
Programs: 12 week 1:1 coaching
Interest & Experience: I am practicing family physician with almost 20 years of experience. I have 2 teen daughters and a tween son. My husband is in medicine as well.
I help with burnout, chart efficiency, indecision, the inner critic, self compassion and general discontent with work or home life. Whatever you bring to the session, we can sort through. Teaching you the skills of thought work you will find you can thrive in any situation. You will have an appreciation for the colors of life, a system to leave with charts closed and have energy at the end of the day to take care of yourself and your family, rather than feeling tired, depleted or resentful.
Website: www.physicianthoughtwork.com
E-mail: physicianthoughtwork@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Integrative Pediatrics
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Coaching Certification: Certified Life and Weight Coach, The Life Coach School
Organizations: American Academy of Pediatrics, Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, Mindful Healthcare Collective
Coaching Organizations: CFI, EWP, AMWA, MD The Mindful Doctor Coaching: Mindful Life and Parent Coaching for Physicians.
Programs: 1:1 Individual 12 week coaching program available, 1:1 Private coaching & group coaching
Interest & Experience: I help women physicians go from feeling overwhelmed to empowered by using Life Coaching and Mindfulness. As a life and parent coach, I work with physicians who are committed to change, stepping into the best possible version of themselves. Coaching and mindfulness came into my life when I was struggling personally and professionally to find balance and truly “have my own back”. I would easily doubt myself and judge myself for not being “perfect”. These approaches transformed my mindset and opened up a world of possibilities for me and now I share that tool with fellow physicians.
I am a pediatrician, integrative physician, life and parent coach, certified mindfulness coach, wife and mom to two boys. I have spent 12 years working in private practice, working for Permanente Medical Group/Kaiser Permanente and taking some time off to raise my boys. I am a dancer, swimmer, novice gardener and baker.
On the journey back to myself, I found coaching and Mind Body Medicine through integration of mindfulness and I am one of the founding members of the Mindful Healthcare Collective. I hope to help others find themselves and learn to live a life full of purpose, passion, and most importantly joy.
Website: www.payalghayal.com
E-mail: payal@mdthemindfudoctor.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Location: Kona, Hawaii
Coaching Certification: ICF Certified Life Coach, Certified Money Coach
Coaching Organizations: CFI, AMWA coaching committee, OTO women coaching women
Programs: 8 week money coaching program, 1:1 and in groups, Individual life coaching
Interest & Experience: Burnout/moral injury, stress, work life integration, financial wellness, lifestyle medicine, mind-body-spirit medicine.
I worked as a hospitalist and consultative internist for 16 years. I held multiple leadership
positions, as well as was faculty involved in teaching medical students and residents. I struggled with burnout for a long time but felt trapped. The story in my head was that I was the primary breadwinner and my family needed me to keep working. I had no clue about our financial situation, and somehow in the depths of despair, I never thought to figure it out.
When it all got too much, I had to quit. We moved to Hawaii and along the way, I realized that my financial fears were unfounded.
I became an ICF Certified Life coach and a Certified Money Coach(CMC)® to help other women who may be in a similar predicament.
I have coached physicians around burnout/moral injury, work-life integration, relationship challenges as well as helping them sort out transitional phases in their lives.
Deep listening, asking meaningful questions and allowing my clients to reveal their answers to themselves are powerful coaching techniques that I utilize to enable change in their lives.
I now have time and financial freedom to create and live the life of my dreams. I help my clients achieve the same.
Website: www.yashodabhaskarmd.com
E-mail: Hello@yashodabhaskarmd.com
Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Location: Chapel Hill, NC
Coaching Certification: National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Certified Health & Well-Being Coach, Trained at Duke Health & Well-Being
Coaching Organizations: Coaching for Institutions (CFI), Physician Coaching Alliance (PCA), AMWA ELEVATE and AMWA EVOLVE group coaching leader, Coach, American College of Physicians
Programs: 1:1 Coaching
Interest & Experience: I am a practicing internal medicine physician and associate director of GME Coaching at my home institution. I enjoy helping physicians create the life and career they want. We often explore work-life integration to take back those nights and weekends. Commonly, we come back to priority setting, time management and charting.
I also provide leadership coaching to build personal and team skills. Lastly, I help individuals make lifestyle changes.
Website: www.marion-wellness.com
E-mail: marion@marion-wellness.com
Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: OB/GYN, Lifestyle Medicine
Location: Swanton, VT
Coaching Certification: ICF certified, Also pursuing credential with Healthcare Coaching Institute, Canadian Physician Coaching Network
Coaching Organizations: CFI, AMWA EVOLVE, AMWA Physicians with young family
Programs: Coaching 1:1, System coaching
Interest & Experience: Focus on selfcare and work/life integration. Twenty years as an OB/GYN leading to my passion as Medical Director of Lifestyle Medicine. Coaching patients and practitioners to health and weight loss. From practice fatigue to joy in the practice of medicine.
Discover your confidence and leader potential. As a Physician, I enjoyed
every moment of my practice. You deserve this as well.
Website: letsleadllc.com
E-mail: letsleadllc@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: General Pediatrics, Local Locums in Pediatrics
Location: Richmond, VA
Coaching Certification: Certified Coach with The Life Coach School; Anger Management Coach
Coaching Organizations: CFI, Physician Coach Support
Programs: 1:1 Coaching
Interest & Experience: I help women who struggle with the regret of their misdirected anger by helping them recognize that often times their underlying painful thoughts pertaining to areas such as self-worth, perfectionism, and time management are what lead to their frustrated reactions.
Website: https://thoughtworkmd.com
E-mail: arpita@thoughtworkmd.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Emergency Medicine
Location: Northern Wisconsin and Southern California
Coaching Certification: Certified Physician Peer Coach, Physician Coaching Academy
Coaching Organizations: CFI, PCA, AMWA, VWL EAP, Triad EAP
Programs: 1:1 Coaching and Group Coaching
Interest & Experience: 25 years in EM has provided me lots of insight into the challenges of medicine. I help physicians with issues related to job satisfaction, work/life balance, and burnout by showing them how to strengthen their mental fitness and shift perspective.
Website: SJWprofessionalcoaching.com
E-mail: susanwilsonmd@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Academic Pediatrics
Location: San Francisco, CA
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School
Coaching Organizations: CFI, Physician Coach Support
Programs: 1:1 Coaching
Interest & Experience: I help physicians reclaim their joy. I found coaching during a period of burnout, when I felt exhausted, frustrated by the medical system and academics, and powerless to make change. Through coaching, I've become more productive, connected, and joyful in my life and career - and work fewer hours than before. I love coaching on productivity, goal setting and work-life balance.
E-mail: ilselarsoncoaching@gmail.com
Website: www.ilselarsoncoaching.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Trauma Acute Care Surgery
Location: Vienna, VA
Coaching Certification: Certified Life and Weight Coach, The Life Coach School
Coaching Organizations: CFI, AMWA Ignite
Programs: 1:1 Coaching
Interest & Experience: I help exhausted, overwhelmed professional moms to create more time in their lives so they can do less & create an intentional life on purpose. My coaching tools include implementing mindfulness, habit-design & implementation, time management, vision work [life vision, core values, goal-setting, future self, etc], thought-work [exploring topics of imposterism, perfectionism, procrastination, overwhelm, time scarcity, limiting beliefs & saboteurs, accessing our inner sage, etc], productivity tools, etc.
Website: https://www.serenitywellnessmd.com
E-mail: serenitywellnessmd@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Family Medicine, Medical Leadership, Medical Education, Medical Law
Location: Nottingham, UK / Hamilton, New Zealand
Coaching Certification: Certified Life, Leadership and Executive Coach, Diplomate of the Australian Institute of Professional Coaches
Coaching Organizations: CFI, The Joyful Doctor, The Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (UK), The NHS Leadership Academy, drgalen.org, AdvanceMed
Programs: Medical Student, Junior Doctor, Senior Doctor and Medical Leader coaching; 1:1 and Group Sessions (max 6 participants) available; coaching program for physicians who have experienced workplace bullying soon to be available.
Interest & Experience: I graduated from med school in 2000 and am a practising family physician and non-practising lawyer (I passed the bar exam in 2014). I am also a medical educator and medical director / leader turned life, career, leadership and executive coach.
I am British-born and educated but lived in Australia and New Zealand 2019-21 with my maxillofacial surgeon wife and our two young daughters.
As someone who has changed career several times, burnt out at least twice (that I know of) and been bullied at work multiple times, I have a special interest in physician wellbeing, rebuilding the confidence and improving the mindset of doctors being bullied at work and propagating kindness in leadership.
My top five character strengths as assessed through the 'Values in Action (VIA) Institute on Character' survey are, in order: Honesty, Fairness, Justice, Love and Humour.
Website: www.dradamharrison.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: OB/GYN
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Coaching Certification: LCS
Coaching Organizations: CFI, WIWC
Programs: 8 wk Program: 1:1 weekly coaching. ‘Time for Me’ where I help busy working women learn not only the how-to's of time creation for self care, but explore also the why’s. By the end of the program, they will be able to consistently create free time and be empowered to protect it!
Interest & Experience: Time management especially in how it relates to procrastination, perfectionism, self confidence, self love and care. I experienced workplace trauma/burnout which drove me to leave my safe, conventional medical position. Coaching showed me that no matter how much I criticized and punished myself, I can never change that circumstance at work. I now live intentionally to be free of constant self judgment & let go of perfectionist beliefs. I enjoy helping other physicians embrace their own self forgiveness, compassion & love.
Website: https://mailchi.mp/9dda7aa75348/secrets-to-creating-more-time
Email: coachingwithli@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Pathology, Dermatopathology
Location: San Diego, CA
Coaching Certification: Life Coach School, Positive Intelligence Coach training (in progress)
Coaching Organizations: CFI, The STEMM Doctors Coaching
Programs: 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 1:1
Interest & Experience: With CFI, I help physicians embrace their space and live their fullest lives.
With The STEMM Doctors Coaching and my friend and colleague, Ursula Lang, I help women that hold graduate degrees in STEMM fields (science, technology, engineering, math or medicine) that have kids or are considering having kids. We create the support and structure to help our women in STEMM survive and thrive in their work and lives through managing their minds, time & upleveling their relationships.
Personal: www.drbriannehdaniels.com
STEMM Doctors Coaching: stemmdoctors.mykajabi.com
Personal: drbhdaniels@gmail.com
STEMM Doctors Coaching:
Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Coaching Certification: Duquesne University, ICF-Certified
Coaching Organizations: CFI
Programs: 1:1 and team coaching
Interest & Experience: I work with men at times of important life change, as well as physicians of all genders and backgrounds. My experience in medicine includes clinical care at the interface of psychiatry and other medical disciplines, as well as a decade of experience in developing clinical services and leading graduate medical training programs. I will invite you to cultivate powerful self-awareness, build presence and connection, define productivity on your own terms, clarify your priorities and purpose, and build a life of ultimate personal fulfillment.
Physician Coaching: www.coachingfordocs.com
Coaching for Men: www.bravermancoaching.com
Email: pierreazzam@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: OB/Gyn/Urogynecology
Location: San Antonio, TX
Coaching Certification: Physician Peer Coach, Certified Life and Weight Coach, The Life Coach School
Coaching Organizations: Physician Women of Color Thrive Together (Thrive2G), CFI, Better Together
Programs: 1:1 and Group Coaching
Interest & Experience: Dr. Yashika Dooley is a trained surgeon and clinical leader with over 10 years of coaching experience. As a Colonel in the Air Force, academic leader and master negotiator, she helps physicians who are overworked, frustrated or struggling to maintain balance.
I help you assess your current situation, identify stress points and develop clear paths for success. Leverage your time & efforts so you can have the career & personal life that you desire. I help you live, navigate, and succeed on your terms.
Website: www.Yashikadooley.com
Email: ydfitlife@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Ophthalmology and fellowship trained Oculoplastic Surgeon
Location: Cleveland, Ohio
Coaching Certification: The Life Coach School, Positive Intelligence Coach training (not yet certified)
Coaching Organizations: Alpha Coaching Experience (ACE), Physician Coaching Support (PCS), Coaching for institutions (CFI)
Programs: 1:1 Coaching
Interest & Experience: I help physicians overcome burnout, get out of the trap of arrival fallacy, and build their path to financial independence while enjoying the journey to get there. I can’t wait to work on your money mindset or help you toward whatever goal you want to accomplish.
Website: www.GrowYourWealthyMindset.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Peds Hem Onc
Location: Halifax, Canada
Coaching Certification: Life Coach School, Executive leadership certificate, CMA Joule core certification and many other leadership courses
Programs: 12 weeks, 1:1, group coaching, Legendary quest program (with Francis Yoo) and several others
Interest & Experience: I, Dr Ketan Kulkarni, am a physician, a clinician researcher, a scientist, a passionate entrepreneur, an ardent advocate of financial literacy and independence with alternative income streams, an avid learner, a traveler, a photographer, an artist (and art enthusiast and antique collector) and a music buff. I live and work in Halifax, Canada.
While I worked extremely hard for the last 6 some years (after 14 years of training) to establish my academic program and got my first academic promotion in 5 years, I also realized that a range of limitations and challenges including red tape, system issues and politics exist in traditional pathways of medicine that may not be by itself enough fulfilling in the long run. I saw that people, colleagues and experts from all walks of life, regardless of their stage of career and their titles faced similar issues and were often burnt out. They were unhappy. They were not flourishing. Their “well-being” was not apparent. As well, I realized that physicians aren’t usually well versed in business and finance and often shy away from excellent money management.
Thus, evolved my vision to connect with, network, and collaborate with like-minded individuals who are interested in mastering their own lives and destiny. I wanted to learn as well as share my knowledge and experience and develop models that support a balanced, successful lifestyle, promote career longevity and satisfaction. I participated in several leadership training courses as well as self-learning over the last 4 years. Thereafter I completed Dalhousie Executive Leadership Certificate course. More recently I obtained coaching certification (Life Coach School) and have been actively coaching busy professionals on a variety of platforms. I am continuing to gain more skills and training in the area. While I am a passionate SELF (success, entrepreneurship, leadership, and finance coach), I realize that outer excellence is a result of inner excellence. Well-being is supremely important. I have been able to develop several models based on a variety of resources and evidence to pursue and develop inner excellence followed by outer excellence that I’m happy to share.
My coaching ethos is the ability to explore one’s vision with clarity, develop a deep sense of purpose, engage and motivate others to strive to achieve the goals that assist in realizing the vision. I intend to create value that permanently and positively adds to humanity and the world at large. My core values are excellence, creativity, and addition of meaning that would lead to a deep sense of satisfaction, joy and fulfillment.
I am happy to assist to recognize, realize and live your best vision !!
Website: www.savvyphysician.ca
Email: ketanpkulkarni@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Anesthesiologist
Location: Boca Raton, Florida
Coaching Certification: Physician Coaching Institute
Coaching Organizations: Physician Coaching Alliance
Programs: 1:1 Coaching
Interest & Experience: I help early and mid-career women physicians gain clarity on their career goals and work-life balance and teach them effective leadership skills using their own unique strengths and personality, so that they can feel fulfilled in their career and actually look forward to going to work in the morning.
Website: www.theleadershiprx.com
Email: asha@theleadershiprx.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Family Medicine, Lifestyle Medicine
Location: Seattle, WA
Coaching Certification: Brave Thinking Institute, Life Mastery Consultant, Healthcare Peer Coaching
Coaching Organizations: Coaching for institutions (CFI), Physician Coaching Institute (PCI)
Programs: 1:1 Coaching, Team Coaching, Medical Group Reflective Practice, Group Personal Coaching
Interest & Experience:
My mission is to help you design and live a life you love.
I have supported medical providers in discovering renewed meaning, vitality, and abundance at work and home.
I will help you to develop skills to manage the challenges of overwhelm, emotional exhaustion, interpersonal conflicts, detachment from your purpose, and a sense of chronic dissatisfaction.
I believe you can absolutely create a life you love, and experience greater fulfilment while on that path.
My greatest interest is in supporting you on your journey.
Website: www.theleadershiprx.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Internal Medicine/Infectious Disease
Location: Portland, OR
Coaching Certification: Co-active
Coaching Organizations: CFI, ICF
Interest & Experience:
I am passionate about working with physicians who are looking for personal and professional growth.
This could be focusing on their own self care, health goals, gaining clarity on what should be the next step on their career path, or support in a new leadership role. An integral part of my coaching is helping people re-design their life to find a sustainable work life balance.
Another area of focus is to strengthen mental fitness which allows for better stress management and effectively navigating situations of conflict.
On the personal side, the practice of meditation gives me strength and enhances my coaching!
Website: dynamicprana.com
Email: njrprana@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Hematologist/Medical Oncologist
Location: Ambler, PA
Coaching Certification: Co-Active Training Institute, ICF-Certified
Coaching Organizations: Physician Coaching Alliance, Physician Coach Support
Programs: 1:1 Coaching, group coaching, leadership/executive coaching
Interest & Experience: I coach physicians using a “mental fitness” framework. Mental fitness is the ability to face life’s challenges using a positive mindset. This framework helps physicians resolve challenges that are draining joy/satisfaction from their professional and personal lives. It also helps them grow and be better equipped to face whatever uncertainties life brings.
Website: www.caretochangecoaching.com
Email: cohnjb827@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Family Medicine, Neuromusculoskeleletal Medicine/OMM, Integrative Medicine, Pain Medicine, Acupuncture, Meditation
Location: New York City, NY
Coaching Certification: Took - Mind Re-Mapping Mastery: NLP, Hypnosis, & Time Line Therapy® Coach Certification Program w/ Maiysha Clairborne MD, finalizing final certification process.
Also certified MBTI Practitioner, Riso-Hudson Certified Enneagram Teacher, Glenn Morris’ Improved KAP provisional instructor
Coaching Organizations: CFI
Programs: Legendary Quest with Ketan Kulkarni
SmilingDoc - meditation/breathwork program
Interest & Experience:
- Navigating internal conflicts.
- Navigating East-West dual-culture background
- Inner Work/Psychospiritual access
- Existential deliberations
Website: www.drfrancisyoo.com
Email: DrFrancisYoo@gmail.com

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Board Certified in Diagnostic Radiology & Lifestyle Medicine
Lead Faculty and Subject Matter Expert in Stress Management for American College of LIfestyle Medicine
Location: Asheville, NC
Coaching Certification: Life Coach School, Certified Life Coach Institute
Coaching Organizations: Physician Coaching Alliance
Programs: CME Programs, Rx Inner Peace: A Physician’s Guide for Self-Care, Self-Care Shop, Host: The StressFreeMD Podcast
Interest & Experience: I am deeply passionate about coaching physicians to be the healthiest & happiest versions of themselves! I use a whole person approach uniquely combining trainings in Lifetstyle Medicine, yoga therapy, meditation & life coaching to teach physicians tools to relieve stress, build resilience and improve their well-being from both a bottom up (body based) and top down (mindset) approach. My goal is for each and every physician to live a fulfilling life full of purpose and joy!
Website: https://www.stressfreemd.net/
Email: robyntiger@stressfreemd.net

Member, Coaching for Institutions
Specialty: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Integrative Medicine, Pediatric Complex Care
Location: Portland, OR
Coaching Certification: Wayfinder
Coaching Organizations: ICF, CHARM CWO Coaching Collective, Oregon Physician Coaching Collective
Interest & Experience: I come to well-being work and physician coaching with the heart of a reformer. I am here to support the emergence of individuals so that a broken system can be transformed and a dysfunctional culture can be healed. I have experienced episodes of burnout as a trainee, as a primary care physician, as a hospitalist, and as a leader. I have experience with infertility, LGBTQIA+ intersectionality, parenthood, entrepreneurship, job transitions, complex illness in the family, disordered eating, and more. I invite you to bring places that feel stuck and places you are excited to grow.
Website: www.joypointsolutions.com